okay... okay...okay...If you saw my supplement cabinet you would think that I owned a health food store. But this supplement has genuinely been in our daily lives for a YEAR! I keep it on our shelf or in my purse at all times. It is such an easy and convenient way to support you and your children's immune system. Which is absolutely perfect for the upcoming cold and flu season. We take this every morning before my kids go to school or if we are going to an especially germy place...*cough* the church or gym childcare room *cough*. It is literally a few sprays and that is it! And knock on wood...we haven't had a single doctors visit in a year. Praise the Lord.
The Bee Propolis Throat Spray is called a body guard in a bottle because it has amazing germ fighting properties and over 300 beneficial vitamins, minerals, and compounds. This is anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral...can we please break out in song and dance now? They also have one formulated especially for children that has the therapeutic benefits of buckwheat honey.
AND official announcement...this company is my very first affiliate. So small but big breakthrough for me on the blog front. If you don't know what that means...it means that when you use the link provided in this post to purchase one of their products, I get a small commission for supporting their company. I promise to always be upfront about that with you guys. And for the sake of saying it...I will promote products that I believe in, and will not sell you on any sort of fluff. I mean...I've been using this particular product for a YEAR before I gave them space on my blog!
Here is the official golden link if you decide to buy the Bee Propolis Throat Spray or try any of their other products!
And if your interested in more about this company, here is a short video of Carly talking about why she started Bee Keepers Naturals! She actually had a chronic throat infection that she couldn't get rid of. After multiple rounds of antibiotics, she was living overseas and was about come back to have her tonsils out. As a last ditch effort, she walked into a local pharmacy in France. The pharmacist gave her bee propolis spray and for the first time in months, her throat cleared up. She was able to avoid surgery. When she came back to the states, she couldn't find bee propolis anywhere and decided to fix that. She was in college, selling bee propolis spray from her dorm room which is hilarious. She literally hustled to build the business that she has now by carrying her backpack to health food stores and meeting with owners to get them to sell her product. Now, she is in Whole Foods and has expanded into more honey based products. This is the kind of story that is really inspiring to me. It is the kind of story that really shows the passion behind a product. She is giving back to the world and the bees in such a positive way. And the products are incredible.
Thanks for stopping in!