This recipe is for my rye people. Rye can be tricky if you are new to bread baking. It has very little gluten so it doesn't do well as a bread by itself. It really needs the support of a higher protein grain like hard red to help develop structure in the dough and not be a flat pancake. Rye can also be very divisive for people. They either love it or they hate it. I have only tried fresh milling rye from Barton Springs Mill and I have loved it. I used Danko in this recipe and it has more flavor than most ryes. If you decide to try it, I have a coupon code, "Michal10" for a discount on your order! Anyways, I hope you try these as they bring a different flavor to the party and that is one of the special things about fresh milling!

Rye Hamburger Buns
Makes 10-12 buns
1 cup unmilled rye grain
2 cups unmilled hard red wheat grain
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1 tbsp molasses
2 tsp salt
1/2 cup melted unsalted butter
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp instant yeast
Optional: sesame seeds
Egg wash:
1 egg
1 egg white
Mill the rye and hard red wheat on a bread setting in your mill.
In a large mixing bowl or mixer bowl, add the water, melted butter, apple cider vinegar, maple syrup, molasses and salt. Mix together until combined. Add the flour and yeast to the wet ingredients and begin the kneading process. Knead the dough about 10-12 minutes or until window pane is achieved. Cover and let it rise for 30-45 minutes or until doubled in size.
After the first rise, preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Punch the dough down and begin pinching off 100 grams of dough for each bun. You can pinch off 80 grams of dough for smaller buns. Pinch and tuck the dough to form small balls. Use the palms of your hands to press and gently stretch to shape them into disks to about the size that you want them.
Put them on a cookie sheet. Cover and let the dough rest about 10-15 minutes. Make the egg wash and brush in on the tops and sides of the buns. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
Bake 18-20 minutes or until the internal temperature is about 190 degrees.
Let them cool, Slice open and serve with your favorite burger!